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LoL Kayn Jungle Path S14, JG Routes, Jungle Clearing Guide And Build

Kayn Jungle Build and Path Guide

In-depth Kayn Jungle pathing guide. Find the best Kayn Jungle build and path, Season 14 jg routes and how to jungle clear with Kayn as a beginner. Including the highest win-rate meta Kayn jungle runes and item build for both Red Kayn and Blue Kayn transformations in LoL Patch 14.16
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
29 / 60
Jungle Rank

Summoner Spells

Countered By
Strong Against

Red Kayn Jungle Build Runes

Legend: Haste
Last Stand
Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force
Health Scaling

Red Kayn Jungle Build Items

Blue Kayn Jungle Build Runes

Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Blue Kayn Jungle Build Items

Skill Leveling Order


Kayn Jungle Tips and Tricks

  • Kayn is very weak without a transformation and the number of junglers he can confidently duel at Scuttler during the early game is very small. To get a transformation, Kayn has to damage an enemy champion to obtain Darkin Scythe passive stacks. Damaging melee champions grants him the Rhaast (red) Kayn transformation stacks. On the other hand, doing damage to ranged champions grants him the Shadow Assassin (blue) Kayn transformation stacks.
  • It is important to pre-plan your jungle route so that you can path towards the lane with enemy champions that you need to damage for the transformation of your choice.
  • Reaping Slash can be used to jump over quite a few walls and when it is combined with Shadow Step, their proper use makes Kayn a high mobility champion with a lot of easy ways to control team fights and steal jungle objectives.
  • Umbral Trespass is Kayn's most valuable spell. With proper timing it can be used to quickly dodge enemy skill shots, and it is worth noting that it is possible to cast Smite while you're inside an enemy— allowing for easy Baron & Dragon steals.

Master Kayn Jungle Clear

Six Camp Jungle Path Raptor Start Blue Side JG Clear Guide
Six Camp Jungle Path Raptor Start Red Side JG Clear Guide

Pro Kayn Jungle Path —full clear with a leashless Raptor start

  • The Pro Kayn Jungle Path has a full clear that starts on the Raptors. Unlock Reaping Slash and clear Raptors since it doesn't require a leash from the bot lane due to the huge amount of AoE damage this skill provides. After killing the Raptors and reaching level two, high elo Kayn players tend to level up the Shadow Step skill which allows Kayn to travel through walls. By using Shadow Step, you can travel through the Red Buff wall all the way to the Krugs to clear them quickly. After Krugs, next up is the Red Buff camp that grants you level three which allows you to upgrade Reaping Slash. At this point move towards the Blue Buff side of the jungle and clear the Wolves, Blue Buff and Gromp. These give you level four and unlock Blade's Reach. Scuttler is the last camp in this jungle path and after that you can gank a lane with the best kill potential so that you get a lot of transformation points.
  • This Kayn Jungle Clear prioritizes full clearing for most optimal scaling and allows you to also gank a lane first before going for the Scuttler, if a high kill opportunity arrises.

Jungle Route Summary

Six Camp Jungle Path Red Brambleback Start Blue Side JG Clear Guide
Six Camp Jungle Path Red Brambleback Start Red Side JG Clear Guide

Beginner Kayn Jungle Path —full clear with a Red Buff start

  • The Beginner Kayn Jungle Path is a full jg clear that starts on the Red Buff, with you unlocking Reaping Slash at level one. After killing the Red Buff and reaching level two, you'll want to level up Blade's Reach (or Reaping Slash) and head over to the Krugs camp & clear them. The Raptor camp is next and killing them grants Kayn level three which unlocks Shadow Step. At this point you can use the recently unlocked Shadow Step to quickly move through walls to reach the Blue Buff side of the jungle and clear the Wolves, Blue Buff and Gromp. Level four now allows you to upgrade Reaping Slash or unlock Blade's Reach depending on your earlier choice. Scuttler is the last camp in this jungle path and you can now gank a lane or steal the enemy's Raptors.
  • This Kayn Jungle Clear is a route which benefits from a leash from the allied team. Getting a leash means that the clear is a bit faster, allowing you to be relatively on time for the Scuttler spawn. If the Scuttler is contested, even better as you are able to fight for Scuttler and get some transformation points.

Jungle Route Summary

Six Camp Jungle Path Raptor Start Blue Side lvl 3 Gank JG Clear Guide
Six Camp Jungle Path Raptor Start Red Side lvl 3 Gank JG Clear Guide

Fast gank Jungle Kayn Path —transformation rush

  • The Fast gank Kayn Jungle Path tries to obtain gold and experience from a full clear but with a really early gank incorporated in it. This allows Kayn to get a substantial amount of transformation points, provided the gank goes good. This route starts on the Raptors with Kayn leveling Reaping Slash and it doesn't require a leash. After killing the Raptors and reaching level two, you'll want to level up the Blade's Reach and head over to the Red Buff camp to clear it. The Krugs camp is next and killing them grants Kayn level three, allowing you to unlock Shadow Step. You can now quickly path into a gank by utilizing Shadow Step. After the gank, recall back, buy items and rush towards the Blue Buff side of the jungle. Clear the Wolves, Blue Sentinel and Gromp. Scuttler is the last camp in this jungle path and afterwards you can gank a lane for even more transformation points.
  • This Kayn Jungle Clear prioritizes getting an insanely fast transformation in order to snowball through the game. If the enemy jungler doesn't invade you, nor does he path towards the same Scuttler, you  can still manage to get a full Jungle clear which results in a huge advantage.

Jungle Route Summary

Gank a Lane