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LoL Xin Zhao Jungle Path S14, JG Routes, Jungle Clearing Guide And Build

Xin Zhao Jungle Path And Build

In-depth Xin Zhao Jungle pathing guide. Find the most popular Pro Xin Zhao Jungle path, Season 14 jg routes and how to jungle clear with Xin Zhao as a beginner. Including the highest win-rate Xin Zhao jungle runes and item build for LoL Patch 14.16
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
13 / 60
Jungle Rank

Summoner Spells

Countered By
Strong Against

Xin Zhao Jungle Runes

Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand
Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force

Xin Zhao Jungle Items

Skill Leveling Order


Xin Zhao Jungle Tips and Tricks

  • Xin Zhao is incredible with a lot of cooldown reduction as Wind Becomes Lightning and Audacious Charge allow him to continuously gap close the enemy and not let them run away.
  • Hitting a target with Wind Becomes Lightning marks them, granting Xin Zhao vision over them and increasing the range of Audacious Charge significantly. Use this to quickly traverse between jungle camps as you can dash towards monsters through walls. It can also be used to gain vision over Baron, Dragon and Herald, as well as jump onto them over walls for a quick steal.
  • Crescent Guard allows Xin Zhao to completely negate projectile damage for him and any of his allies found within its area of effect.
  • The most popular Xin Zhao combo goes as follows: Wind Becomes Lightning— it is crucial that you hit the enemy with it, Audacious Charge, Three Talon Strike and keep auto attacking until the enemy is knocked up & follow it up with the same rotation.

Challenger Xin Zhao Jungle Clear

Six Camp Jungle Path Red Brambleback Start Blue Side JG Clear Guide
Six Camp Jungle Path Red Brambleback Start Red Side JG Clear Guide

Pro Xin Zhao Jungle Path —full clear with a Red Buff start

  • Our Pro Xin Zhao Jungle Path was analyzed from multiple challenger replays and it features a full clear that starts with Xin Zhao killing Red Buff with Wind Becomes Lightning. After killing the Red Buff and reaching level two, you can unlock Audacious Charge which results in two AoE damage dealing abilities. This makes your Krugs and Raptor camp clear really quick. These grant you level three, unlock Three Talon Strike, after which you will path towards the Blue Buff side of the jungle to clear Murk Wolves, Blue Sentinel and the Gromp. These get you to level four so go ahead and upgrade Wind Becomes Lightning. Now kill the Rift Scuttler and any enemy trying to duel you, after which you can proceed to gank one of the lanes connected to the river.
  • This is a great and relatively easy Xin Zhao jungle clear, and it's highly modular which is why pro players love it. Can start leashless raptors, as well as do an early lvl three gank by going Raptors → Red Brambleback → Krugs → Bot/Top lane gank.

Jungle Route Summary

Six Camp Jungle Path Blue Sentinel Start Blue Side JG Clear Guide
Six Camp Jungle Path Blue Sentinel Start Red Side JG Clear Guide

Xin Zhao Jungle Path —full clear with a Blue Buff start

  • This Xin Zhao Jungle Path is an alternative to the pro one as it is also a six camp clear but with a Blue Buff start. You'll again be unlocking Wind Becomes Lightning on level one and after killing the Blue Sentinel unlock Audacious Charge at level two. After the Gromp and Wolves are cleared you'll be level three so unlock Three Talon Strike. Now head over to the Red Buff side to kill the Raptors Red Brambleback and Krugs as these will grant you level four. Upgrade Wind Becomes Lightning and it is now possible to gank a lane and then proceed to kill the Rift Scuttler, or kill the Scuttler first and then path into a gank.
  • This is a solid Xin Zhao clear for junglers which are focused on ganking as it provides longer Red Buff uptime and better map pathing on the Blue Team for more successful ganks.

Jungle Route Summary

Three Camp Jungle Path Lvl 3 Two Ganks BGR Blue Side JG Clear Guide
Three Camp Jungle Path Lvl 3 Two Ganks BGR Red Side JG Clear Guide

Fast gank Xin Zhao Jungle Path —two fast ganks from three camps with a Blue Buff start

  • The Fast gank Xin Zhao Jungle Path starts with the Blue Sentinel and it has a very fast level three gank added into it. This particular route is great versus weak early-game laners that don't have an escape. After killing the Blue Sentinel with Wind Becomes Lightning and reaching level two, you can now unlock Audacious Charge and proceed to clear the Gromp and then path into the Red Brambleback to kill it as well. Doing so will level you up to level three and allow you to unlock Three Talon Strike— the most important ability in Xin Zhao's gank kit. Move over to the river and do two ganks on lanes, after which you can go pick up the Rift Scuttler kill and go back to clearing your jungle camps.
  • This is an insanely good SoloQ Xin Zhao jungle route for anything below the Master rank as most middle laners in those elos don't expect such an early gank. Such pathing can easily result in them getting very tilted if you manage to kill them or burn their summoner spells.

Jungle Route Summary

Gank a Lane