Warwick Jungle Path And Build
In-depth Warwick Jungle pathing guide. Find the most popular Pro Warwick Jungle path, Season 14 jg routes and how to jungle clear with Warwick as a beginner. Including the highest win-rate Warwick jungle runes and item build for LoL Patch 14.16
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
23 / 60
Jungle Rank
Warwick Jungle Runes
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Health Scaling
Warwick Jungle Items
Skill Leveling Order
First Camp Trends
Blue Team
Red Team
Warwick Jungle Tips and Tricks
- Warwick is a very easy jungler to play and one of the best champions for climbing out of low rank divisions due to the huge map pressure he can provide.
- Holding Jaws of the Beast allows Warwick to deny CC and dash towards the enemy champion if they Flash, Blink or Dash away— a lot of players don't know this as they only press the Q key bind without actually holding it!
- A great strategy is to run at an enemy, activate Primal Howl and hit them with Jaws of the Beast while dragging it behind them, this will make Warwick dash behind the enemy. Reactivating Primal Howl instantly fears the enemy away from Warwick, towards your team.
- Warwick's area of effect jungle clear is terrible without Tiamat so avoid the Raptor and Krug camps until you've bought one.
- The range of Infinite Duress increases with Warwick's movement speed, use this to your advantage by activating Blood Hunt before a gank to gain a burst of bonus movement speed.
Challenger Warwick Jungle Clear
Pro Warwick Jungle Path —two fast ganks from three camps with a Red Buff start
- The Pro Warwick Jungle Path is a quick three camp clear which allows you to put out a lot of early game pressure on the map and/or invade the enemy jungler. Unlock Jaws of the Beast as his first ability and after reaching level two go ahead and get Blood Hunt as it improves the attack speed on half-health enemies. Path into the Blue Sentinel & Gromp to clear them as these give you level three. Unlock Primal Howl because this is your main source of crowd-control and now you're ready to gank. Do two quick ganks and go back to the Rift Scuttler, after which you can either recall back to base or go ahead and clear the rest of your jungle.
- This Warwick Jungle Clear can also start leashless on Raptors if needed, and can go Raptors → Red Brambleback → Blue Sentinel/Gromp instead as the skill progression remains the same.
Jungle Route Summary
Warwick Jungle Path —two fast ganks from three camps with a Blue Buff start
- This Warwick Jungle Path is also a quick three camp clear which allows you to put out a lot of early game pressure on the map and/or invade the enemy jungler. Unlock Jaws of the Beast as his first ability and clear the Blue Sentinel. After reaching level two go ahead and unlock Blood Hunt as it improves the attack speed on half-health enemies. Do the Gromp next, after which you'll be pathing into the Red Brambleback to clear it as it will give you level three. Unlock Primal Howl because this is your main source of crowd-control and now you're ready to gank. Do two quick ganks and go back to the Rift Scuttler, after which you can either recall back to base or go ahead and clear the rest of your jungle.
- The Blue Buff start variant allows Warwick to have much higher uptime on the Red Buff and gank more efficiently, it's particularly popular on the Blue Team because Warwick can solo Dragon quite early in the game.